World is getting disrupted everyday. Nextgen fund invests in companies which are agent of this disruption

We can’t even imagine how to world will look after 20 years.

Technology has changed the world multiple times in the recent past. We all witnessed the change with the launch of Internet in 1990s (Google, Facebook etc.) , the launch of smartphones in 2005 (Uber/Ola, instagram, swiggy) and now we are eyeing at 2020.

Imagine if you had stocks in Google or Facebook when they had just 10 developers in a room.

Some examples of disruption are:

Indoor Farming : Pretty soon, the world is going to reach a tipping point. We’ll have too many people living on the planet, and not enough arable land to raise crops to feed all the hungry mouths. Agriculture will need to adapt in order to keep pace, and one of the most promising ways it’s doing that is by moving indoors.

Balloon Internet : It’s easy to take for granted here in the developed world, but there’s currently about 4 billion people on this planet who don’t have access to the Internet. That’s well over half the globe. Bringing those remaining people online will undoubtedly have an enormous impact on the world — but making that happen is easier said than done.

Reusable Rockets to Drones to Self Driving Cars.

Let’s be a part of this change.

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